Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Regulating BBQ smoke gets early approval from city council

I feel that the best way deal with this is to handle the problem the same as the noise ordinance. They measure sound levels to see if a performance is too loud. Why not use instruments to measure the smoke level in and around homes, only when there is a complaint? If the levels are too high then restaurant will be compelled to do something. Restaurants that don't have complaints won't have a problem…. With that being said!
Why now? Are these residences that were recently built near BBQ places? Are the BBQ places new and built near residential properties? Are these transplant homeowners (out-of-city/state)? If they were properly zoned, why is the city now trying to band-aid their problem of not zoning correctly?

This is what happens when you let too many “CaliforniKator’s” in to Austin and they want to turn BBQ lovers into vegetarians! The city council is still a joke even after the elections!
ICE should check that city council man's paperwork, he is not acting like a true Texan more like a foreigner! Next thing you know the city council will be banning hamburger joints because the "meat" smell! Sounds like the legislature needs to declare "BBQ the official food of Texas" and if you don't like it (or the way real BBQ is cooked)... leave Texas and that includes city councils! Stop "messin with Texas".
Anyone complaining about the smell of BBQ needs to turn in their TEXAS card and be escorted to the nearest state border.