Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lawsuit Over Health Care

On Tuesday February, 10th, 2015 The Texas Tribune published an article titled 

   As you may know nearly 1 million Texans have now signed up for health insurance on the federal  market place, known as But Texas, and 33 other states that did not create their own exchanges, will be the most vulnerable if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against the Obama administration in the latest lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act, according to Health policy experts.If the decision goes against the ACA I don't see how rising premiums could possibly be blamed on the Republicans. I also don't see why the only solution is to preemptively start an exchange in Texas. It's obvious that the disruption in the market is from the ACA, and has nothing to do with Republicans or with Texas not setting up an exchange. If this happens then the obvious solution would be to repeal the ACA.This is why the government shouldn't get involved in the market, not that the insurance and healthcare industry was a paragon of the Laissez-faire market.

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